July 4th is Hypocrisy!

Two hundred and forty-eight years ago, people were misbehaving. The tea party was an unjustified event where some troublemakers broke into a ship and tossed its contents into the water. Riots too were breaking out and civil unrest was erupting. None of these activities were justified, but the founders saw these problems as a symptom of a greater injustice. That injustice was a government thousands of miles away dictating to them regulations and taxing them for the privilege. “Why don’t we decide our own rules and decide what we are going to tax ourselves?” they asked. That same question is being asked today. Compared to today, those people two hundred and forty-eight years ago were in a libertarian paradise!

The monstrosity that bares down on its own people (as well as the world) has amassed to itself an all consuming vortex of power, unwanted relevance, and civil unrest. For these impositions, it has enslaved its people with an un-payable debt. It’s own constituency distrusts the very legitimacy of its existence via elections. A significant number of Americans are becoming suspicious that the other side is cheating. After the surprising 2016 result, democrats and their news Medea convinced themselves that $100k of Russian money toward poorly cobbled together internet adds somehow elected someone they “knew” couldn’t possibly get elected. In the very next presidential election, so much suspicion emerged on the republican side that the very capital building was broken into and civil unrest and violence was so high, some believe that it was actually an attempt to overthrow the federal government. Just like the Boston “Tea Party” these activities are not justified, but they do point to a greater evil. Does anyone see a scenario in which violence doesn’t happen in the next election? What would need to happen for YOU to accept the result of the next election?

The problem is NOT that elections are increasingly distrusted. The problem is a union in which one kind of state wishes to arrest central power to impose its culture and governing style on the others. States CAN NOT be a part of a union they are fundamentally disharmonious with. Furthermore, they WILL NOT continue to be together much longer unless one side utterly and totally defeats the other side. Just like the union of marriage, it must exist with mutual consent or it CANNOT exist at all.

Pay close attention to these words from the Declaration of Independance. “…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends (Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness), it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. The American people feel much less safe and much less happy. The American people would attribute this unsafe and unhappiness to the Federal government in Washington DC; another overly taxing bureaucracy of tyrants thousands of miles from home. It’s time to stop pretending elections are going to somehow bring anything harmonious to the people. It’s time for these people to be INDEPENDENT again.

“when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

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